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a generated AI based SQL/BigData IDE tool

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TableChat is a SQL/BigData tool powered by generated AI and designed to assist SQL/BigData development. It leverages the capabilities of AI LLMs to implement the database operations people need.
Tags: Development Tools, Database, Artificial Intelligence


cn Alice

Engineer, DBA, data scientist. Author of an AI LLM driven SQL/BigData IDE tool-TableChat, join our discord to discuss:

AI is eating software, so we want to do this in the area of sql development. TableChat has the most frequently used features of traditional IDEs but more than that. - You can easily generate SQL you want just by type natural language, it is more exactly than you think. - You can not only use it as an IDE but also as a BI to generate report graph for you. - Also, you can get  code from the database schema, for example, the class code of an object and setter and getter function of the class. - You can use it to query both database and big data.

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cn Alice
Engineer, DBA, data scientist....


cn Alice

Engineer, DBA, data scientist. Author of an AI LLM driven SQL/BigData IDE tool-TableChat, join our discord to discuss:

AI is eating software, so we want to do this in the area of sql development. TableChat has the most frequently used features of traditional IDEs but more than that. - You can easily generate SQL you want just by type natural language, it is more exactly than you think. - You can not only use it as an IDE but also as a BI to generate report graph for you. - Also, you can get  code from the database schema, for example, the class code of an object and setter and getter function of the class. - You can use it to query both database and big data.

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