Openchangelog is a sleek changelog that can be integrated into your development process ensuring your users never miss a new release.
I needed a changelog for my main project. Simple requirements: Markdown-based, GitHub-integrated, open-source. Couldn't find anything good. So I built Openchangelog to scratch my own itch. Classic developer move - the side project became so interesting that I abandoned my original project. 😂 Sometimes the best ideas come from solving your own problems, even if they weren't the problems you set out to solve. 🚀
Find your next favorite product or submit your own. Made by @FalakDigital
I needed a changelog for my main project. Simple requirements: Markdown-based, GitHub-integrated, open-source. Couldn't find anything good. So I built Openchangelog to scratch my own itch. Classic developer move - the side project became so interesting that I abandoned my original project. 😂 Sometimes the best ideas come from solving your own problems, even if they weren't the problems you set out to solve. 🚀