Okral Code Editor
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Okral Code Editor

A fast, performant code editor created in ace.js

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Okral Code Editor, a code editor based on ace library, created by Okerew, to provide a more extensible, lightweight, OpenSource alternative to vscode

Tags: Development Tools, Open Source, Web development



  1. Light weight - the dekstop version occupies about 100 - 120 mb of ram, 8mb of this is assigned to the actual website.
  2. Fast and responsive - it has quick respone time
  3. It allows to run js files as extensions
  4. It is opensource
  5. You can run it in a browser
  6. The dekstop version is very customizable
  7. It has syntax highlighting, code completions and error handling built in
  8. It has git support
  9. It has kubernetes support, database support
  10. Terminal support


  1. It doesn't have the range of extensions that vscode for example has
  2. It is not that easy to understaund
  3. It is not that easly configurable as something as vscode or intellij

Use cases

Creating websites, backend development, frontend, creating software, sending queries to databases, Kubernetes management, git support, remote servers


Okerew Lochraw
I am student that programs mainly in python and java script also sometimes in rust, C. Yes I use chatgpt for comments and some repetetive parts.

If you have any questions hit me up, my profile name is Okerew on github, or you can contact my public mail -, discord _wereko, if you have any issues create an issue on the repo.



I am student that programs mai...


Okerew Lochraw
I am student that programs mainly in python and java script also sometimes in rust, C. Yes I use chatgpt for comments and some repetetive parts.

If you have any questions hit me up, my profile name is Okerew on github, or you can contact my public mail -, discord _wereko, if you have any issues create an issue on the repo.

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