LinkedIn Sales Navigator Search Builder
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LinkedIn Sales Navigator Search Builder

Get more than 2500 results per sales navigator search.


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Sales Navigator is an amazing tool for finding leads on LinkedIn, but you cannot get more than 2500 leads per search. This Google Sheets template solves the issue by automatically splitting your search per geography or tenure level.

Tags: Sales, LinkedIn, Spreadsheets


Split sales navigator search in sub-search to bypass the 2500 results limit.

2 tenure filters:

  • Tenure in the current job
  • Tenure in the current company

7 geography filters:

  • All European countries
  • Each Canadian provinces
  • Each French regions
  • Each German states
  • Each Irish counties
  • Each Spanish municipalities
  • Each Swiss cantons
  • Each UK’s regions
  • Each Brazilian States
  • All major cities in South America


Fabian Maume co-founder. Fractional CMO for B2B SaaS

This is a small side project I built up to solve one simple issue: Sales navigator search cannot display more than 2500 results per search. If you wish to get more results you need to split your search into multiple sub searches. This Google sheet template will help you do so at scale by adding geo or tenure filters to your search.

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Fabian Maume
Follow co-founder. Fraction...


Fabian Maume co-founder. Fractional CMO for B2B SaaS

This is a small side project I built up to solve one simple issue: Sales navigator search cannot display more than 2500 results per search. If you wish to get more results you need to split your search into multiple sub searches. This Google sheet template will help you do so at scale by adding geo or tenure filters to your search.

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