Deutsch Dictionary
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Deutsch Dictionary

DeutschDictionary is a free tool for learning German with tr

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DeutschDictionary is a comprehensive German translation tool tailored for language learners. It offers multiple translations for each word, along with related terms, ensuring a deeper understanding of vocabulary. Users can explore verb conjugations and sentence constructions to improve their language skills, while millions of example sentences provide contextual usage. The platform also offers native speaker pronunciation, helping learners refine their speaking abilities.

With new words and improvements added daily, DeutschDictionary is an evolving resource for those eager to learn German. It's completely free and focuses on the needs of learners, whether they're studying Standard German or Swiss German. The site is accessible worldwide and offers helpful answers to common questions, such as how to conjugate verbs, pronounce words, and understand gender differences in the language.

Tags: Education, Language, Online Learning


  • Multiple translations and related terms
  • Verb conjugations and sentence constructions
  • Millions of example sentences in context
  • Native speaker pronunciation
  • Daily updates with new words

Use cases

  • Language learners improving vocabulary and grammar
  • Users studying verb conjugations and sentence structures
  • Learners needing pronunciation guidance
  • Individuals looking for free, comprehensive German resources


Xela Weston
Software Engineer trying to improve language learning

Hey there! I created DeutschDictionary because, as someone who learned German myself and is now living in Berlin, I couldn’t find a good translator/dictionary that really worked for learners. So, I built this to help you with translations, conjugations, pronunciation, and tons of example sentences—everything you need to take your German skills to the next level! I hope you love it as much as I loved building it! 😊

Paul Wes
RPA Developer & Team Lead crafting digital workers by day (6+ years automating the boring stuff using UiPath 🤖) Building in C# & JS by night ⚡

It is nice, but I think still a lot to do! Have you tried Can be good for inspiration :)

聚 刘
CMO of CometAPI

Wow, very useful software.

Silvestro Z
Scale Your SaaS With Affiliates

simpel und einfach um deutsch zu lernen 👌

Sven Shen
Software Engineer

Eine sehr gute Website, lassen Sie uns anfangen, Deutsch zu lernen.



Software Engineer trying to im...


Xela Weston
Software Engineer trying to improve language learning

Hey there! I created DeutschDictionary because, as someone who learned German myself and is now living in Berlin, I couldn’t find a good translator/dictionary that really worked for learners. So, I built this to help you with translations, conjugations, pronunciation, and tons of example sentences—everything you need to take your German skills to the next level! I hope you love it as much as I loved building it! 😊

Paul Wes
RPA Developer & Team Lead crafting digital workers by day (6+ years automating the boring stuff using UiPath 🤖) Building in C# & JS by night ⚡

It is nice, but I think still a lot to do! Have you tried Can be good for inspiration :)

聚 刘
CMO of CometAPI

Wow, very useful software.

Silvestro Z
Scale Your SaaS With Affiliates

simpel und einfach um deutsch zu lernen 👌

Sven Shen
Software Engineer

Eine sehr gute Website, lassen Sie uns anfangen, Deutsch zu lernen.

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