CrabNebula DevTools
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CrabNebula DevTools

Tauri App Development Demystified


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Inspect and Debug your Tauri applications in style. 💃

Devtools for Tauri is designed to provide real-time visibility into your app, allowing you to quickly spot and address issues as they occur, here’s a short overview of the features we are launching with:


The Console tab helps you troubleshoot errors and warnings, with instant jump-to-source features.


The Calls tab displays detailed information about Command calls, IPC communication, and resource usage lets you identify performance bottlenecks, and optimization opportunities and dig deep into the inner workings of your app.


And lastly the Config tab lets you inspect your Tauri configuration and identify problems with it quickly.


For more details, check out the docs.

Tags: Development, Development Tools


With DevTools Premium, our newest, most capable debugging tool you can do even more. Watch the video and keep reading!

With DevTools Premium you can examine your Tauri applications with remarkable precision and unlock never seen before performance.

Featuring the Embedded Mode and its optimized integration with Tauri as well as a standalone desktop application DevTools Premium fits right into your workflow.

Take a look:

Screenshot of the embedded mode in a Tauri app

Embedded Mode brings the capabilities of DevTools Premium right into your apps, integrated as a special tab you can access all of DevTools just like the browser-builtin one. The integration can of course be removed in release builds.

Screenshot of the standalone application

The standalone desktop application will serve as the powerful foundation for future, even more advanced capabilities.


Eleftheria Batsou
Community Manager

"Having deep insight into the performance of Tauri's IPC (the communication service between the front end and the rust core) is a new superpower for app artisans. Until now you had to trace both sides of the boundary and mostly guess. Now you get granular detail into longer processes - even async ones. The premium version of devtools actually attaches to your app, just like the normal webview devtools. Check it out!" ~ Daniel Thompson-Yvetot, Cofounder of Tauri, CEO of CrabNebula

Daniel Thompson-Yvetot

DevTools is a game-changer! (And we also offer a free version of it that is web-based!)




Eleftheria Batsou
Community Manager

"Having deep insight into the performance of Tauri's IPC (the communication service between the front end and the rust core) is a new superpower for app artisans. Until now you had to trace both sides of the boundary and mostly guess. Now you get granular detail into longer processes - even async ones. The premium version of devtools actually attaches to your app, just like the normal webview devtools. Check it out!" ~ Daniel Thompson-Yvetot, Cofounder of Tauri, CEO of CrabNebula

Daniel Thompson-Yvetot

DevTools is a game-changer! (And we also offer a free version of it that is web-based!)

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