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AI powered flashcard learning for all topics.


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BrainDeck's AI turns your notes into custom flashcards in seconds. Access pre-made decks or generate your own. With gamified study sessions and a scheduler to keep you on track, BrainDeck makes learning efficient and fun. Perfect for exam prep and revision!

Tags: Productivity, Education


📝 Generate flashcards from your notes or workbooks using AI

📚 Access a pre-made library of flashcard decks

🎮 Enjoy gamified study sessions to keep you motivated

📅 Use the study session scheduler to stay on track 

Use cases

Whether you're prepping for exams, learning a language, or just trying to retain info better, BrainDeck has got you covered. 📚✨ 


Reply Wizard

Who doesn't love to learn with flashcards! Efficient and easy!

aman a
NLP products


Younus Mahmood

Wish I had this while I was in school! I'll be sure to check it out

Jack Smith
India app maker focusing on apps in education, productivity and health & fitness.

Hey everyone! 👋 I'm super excited to share BrainDeck with you! 🎉 I originally built this app to help me learn Italian. I had all these workbook translations I wanted to turn into flashcards so I could practice and really drill them into my memory. After seeing how useful it was for me, I realized this could help anyone trying to revise or memorize content – so I made it subject agnostic! Whether you're prepping for exams, learning a language, or just trying to retain info better, BrainDeck has got you covered. 📚✨ What you can do with BrainDeck: 📝 Generate flashcards from your notes or workbooks using AI 📚 Access a pre-made library of flashcard decks 🎮 Enjoy gamified study sessions to keep you motivated 📅 Use the study session scheduler to stay on track If you give it a try, I’d love to hear what you think! Your App Store reviews mean a lot and help the app grow – so if you find BrainDeck helpful, please consider leaving a rating. It makes a world of difference. 🙏💙 Thanks so much for your support! 🚀

Grant Schaures
Current a student at Oregon State University studying Computer Science and Engineering

This is very cool! I've always known in the back of my mind that there's got to be a more streamlined way of creating quality flashcards. This looks like it could potentially solve that issue!

Shawn Durrani
Lawyer and entrepreneur

I wonder if this could help older individuals dealing with dementia too


Looks cool and simple!

Dejon Brooks
Creator of

this is actually really cool

Yana Tornoe
Co-founder of Question Base

Is this a mobile app? It will be king on iOS!

Official Review

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India app maker focusing on ap...


Reply Wizard

Who doesn't love to learn with flashcards! Efficient and easy!

aman a
NLP products


Younus Mahmood

Wish I had this while I was in school! I'll be sure to check it out

Jack Smith
India app maker focusing on apps in education, productivity and health & fitness.

Hey everyone! 👋 I'm super excited to share BrainDeck with you! 🎉 I originally built this app to help me learn Italian. I had all these workbook translations I wanted to turn into flashcards so I could practice and really drill them into my memory. After seeing how useful it was for me, I realized this could help anyone trying to revise or memorize content – so I made it subject agnostic! Whether you're prepping for exams, learning a language, or just trying to retain info better, BrainDeck has got you covered. 📚✨ What you can do with BrainDeck: 📝 Generate flashcards from your notes or workbooks using AI 📚 Access a pre-made library of flashcard decks 🎮 Enjoy gamified study sessions to keep you motivated 📅 Use the study session scheduler to stay on track If you give it a try, I’d love to hear what you think! Your App Store reviews mean a lot and help the app grow – so if you find BrainDeck helpful, please consider leaving a rating. It makes a world of difference. 🙏💙 Thanks so much for your support! 🚀

Grant Schaures
Current a student at Oregon State University studying Computer Science and Engineering

This is very cool! I've always known in the back of my mind that there's got to be a more streamlined way of creating quality flashcards. This looks like it could potentially solve that issue!

Shawn Durrani
Lawyer and entrepreneur

I wonder if this could help older individuals dealing with dementia too


Looks cool and simple!

Dejon Brooks
Creator of

this is actually really cool

Yana Tornoe
Co-founder of Question Base

Is this a mobile app? It will be king on iOS!

New to Fazier?