A pristine, high-resolution PDF of absolutely nothing. No watermarks. No hidden text. No secret messages. Just pure, unadulterated emptiness waiting to become everything. Because if you don't pay, you won't pay attention. And attention changes everything.
BONUS USE CASE: Staring at it until you realize what you really want to do with your life (Our most popular use case - results vary, transformations guaranteed)
this is a fun one! Best of marketing :D how many sales did you made so far?
Hey Fazier Community! Remember the Pet Rock from 1975? Gary Dahl sold a rock in a box for $3.95 and made millions. In 2024, I'm doing something even more ridiculous - I'm selling nothing. A blank PDF page for $22.95. Why? Because in a world drowning in content, notifications, and digital noise, emptiness has become luxury. And if you don't pay, you won't pay attention. This started as a thought experiment about value and attention. But then something interesting happened during testing. People actually used their blank pages: - A startup founder wrote her resignation letter on it (now runs a 7-figure company) - Someone wrote a letter that saved their marriage - Another used it for their business plan - One person just stared at it for an hour, wrote "I quit," and changed their life Is it absurd? Absolutely. Is it brilliant? Maybe. Is it worth $22.95? That's up to you. I'd love to hear your thoughts: What would you do with your blank page? Or better yet, what's stopping you from facing one? P.S. No refunds, because some decisions, like some pages, should remain permanent.
this is a fun one! Best of marketing :D how many sales did you made so far?
Find your next favorite product or submit your own. Made by @FalakDigital
Hey Fazier Community! Remember the Pet Rock from 1975? Gary Dahl sold a rock in a box for $3.95 and made millions. In 2024, I'm doing something even more ridiculous - I'm selling nothing. A blank PDF page for $22.95. Why? Because in a world drowning in content, notifications, and digital noise, emptiness has become luxury. And if you don't pay, you won't pay attention. This started as a thought experiment about value and attention. But then something interesting happened during testing. People actually used their blank pages: - A startup founder wrote her resignation letter on it (now runs a 7-figure company) - Someone wrote a letter that saved their marriage - Another used it for their business plan - One person just stared at it for an hour, wrote "I quit," and changed their life Is it absurd? Absolutely. Is it brilliant? Maybe. Is it worth $22.95? That's up to you. I'd love to hear your thoughts: What would you do with your blank page? Or better yet, what's stopping you from facing one? P.S. No refunds, because some decisions, like some pages, should remain permanent.