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The Fastest Way to Work

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TabTabTab elevates all work you do on your computer by making all text fields AI native - making boring work fast and fun.

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At TabTabTab we are obsessed with human-computer interaction. Two main bottlenecks to unlocking the power of AI today are Context Loading (describing accurately to AI what problem you are trying to solve), and Computer Use (controlling your computer to apply the solution). The current version of our product solves these two problems naturally and in the least intrusive way.

Hope you find this useful! We are here for any feedback!

Tags: Technology, Productivity, Artificial Intelligence


Magic Copy and Magic Paste. Show TabTabTab anything with Magic Copy, and let it write any texts in any app on your computer with Magic Paste. This means creating a Spreadsheet from Google Maps in seconds. Or write a recruiting email to a potential LinkedIn candidate in 2 key strokes.

Hinted Magic Paste. Describe what you would like TabTabTab to type, and it will infer if you want to generate email, notes, text messages, terminal commands, etc.

Use cases

Sky is the limit. You can really get imaginative with how to use TabTabTab in your daily life. Here are couple of example use cases I do personally.

  • Copy a website (e.g. a news article) → Paste into your email app to instantly draft a summary.
  • Copy a blog post → Paste into your notes app to save key takeaways in your existing style.
  • Copy a LinkedIn profile → Paste into a spreadsheet, perfectly formatted.
  • Ask TabTabTab to expand, shorten, or restructure a paragraph.
  • Ask TabTabTab to reply to messages in any messaging app.
  • Ask TabTabTab to send meeting invites with your calendar links & availability.
  • Ask TabTabTab to generate the right terminal command, e.g. convert mp4 to gif , or do git branch with time label

More on . What would you use it for? 😆


Vasin Wongrassamee

Hi all! Thanks for reading this far, this means a lot! :) At TabTabTab we are committed to make using AI as seamless and natural as possible. We believe AI should become an invisible helper, that helps keep you in flow and make work as fun as it can be! We are open to connect, and we read all feedbacks. Feel free to email us at Our website is , here is the slack link to follow the latest updates and get support Hope you enjoy it! Vasin

Rico Ardiya
Building Fly Orbit

Congratulations on your launch! You might be looking for a solution to manage feedbacks. Check this out :)

Asier Bayón
founder @ virality masters

Hey Vasin! Congrats on the launch, that's quite cool :) Maybe it's because I'm not a native English-speaker, but the h1 is a bit confusing haha Wish you luck with the product ^^





Vasin Wongrassamee

Hi all! Thanks for reading this far, this means a lot! :) At TabTabTab we are committed to make using AI as seamless and natural as possible. We believe AI should become an invisible helper, that helps keep you in flow and make work as fun as it can be! We are open to connect, and we read all feedbacks. Feel free to email us at Our website is , here is the slack link to follow the latest updates and get support Hope you enjoy it! Vasin

Rico Ardiya
Building Fly Orbit

Congratulations on your launch! You might be looking for a solution to manage feedbacks. Check this out :)

Asier Bayón
founder @ virality masters

Hey Vasin! Congrats on the launch, that's quite cool :) Maybe it's because I'm not a native English-speaker, but the h1 is a bit confusing haha Wish you luck with the product ^^

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