Startups Gallery
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Startups Gallery

A hand-picked gallery of outstanding early-stage startups

Visit Free


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Find the world's top early-stage startups from pre-seed to series D across AI, fintech, devtools, remote jobs, and more. Search for under-the-radar startup jobs and track funding deals all in one place. Curated weekly, by humans.

Tags: Startups, Careers, Remote Work


Curated gallery of early-stage startups

Job board for startup job opportunities

Insights into recent funding rounds

Ability to submit startups for consideration

Collections based on themes and industries

Regular updates on new startups

Remote job listings available

Use cases

Investors seeking new opportunities

Job seekers looking for startup positions

Entrepreneurs wanting to showcase their startups

Researchers studying startup trends

Networking within the startup community


Louis Albertini

Hope this resource helps more people break into promising startups!

Easy Content
All the tools you need to make content production a breeze. Start today!

An excellent site for finding inspiring ideas and business opportunities.

Victor h
Founder of


Alex Porter
I'm building tools for traders to improve their trading.

This is cool! You've got a ton of great categories. I've already found some interesting new projects I want to check out.

AP Squared
Two Brothers Building for Fun and Profit

Really inspiring to see these. Thanks for putting this together.

Mike Ivars
indie maker

Louis Congrats! Amazing site, beautifully designed, curated and elegant. Only thing I miss is the bootstrapped category.

Charu C
Tinkering with web projects!

very neat and nicely curated!

Sven Shen
Software Engineer

Awesome! The curated startup pages are all visually appealing.


Badges & Awards

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Badges & Awards

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Louis Albertini

Hope this resource helps more people break into promising startups!

Easy Content
All the tools you need to make content production a breeze. Start today!

An excellent site for finding inspiring ideas and business opportunities.

Victor h
Founder of


Alex Porter
I'm building tools for traders to improve their trading.

This is cool! You've got a ton of great categories. I've already found some interesting new projects I want to check out.

AP Squared
Two Brothers Building for Fun and Profit

Really inspiring to see these. Thanks for putting this together.

Mike Ivars
indie maker

Louis Congrats! Amazing site, beautifully designed, curated and elegant. Only thing I miss is the bootstrapped category.

Charu C
Tinkering with web projects!

very neat and nicely curated!

Sven Shen
Software Engineer

Awesome! The curated startup pages are all visually appealing.

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