Simple Picture Organizer
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Simple Picture Organizer

Easy to use tool to organize your pictures

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This is a simple wizard style application that allows you to organize pictures by various properties if information exists on the picture. 

Supported properties are: 

1. Manufacturer

2. Model

3. Software version 

4. Date

5. Location if device has GPS

Also you you use this application to find and remove duplicate pictures based on time when they were taken.

Tags: Side projects, Productivity, Windows


  • Grouping pictures by:

1. Manufacturer

2. Model

3. Software version 

4. Date

5. Location if device has GPS

  • Find and remove duplicate pictures


Edgars Puce
Developer building apps.

Hello, This is a simple and easy to use tool that I have developed to help people who take pictures a lot, to organize them in few minutes. It is a Windows desktop application. If it is useful to many people, I will create same application for Mac users as well. Thank you!

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Edgars Puce
Developer building apps.


Edgars Puce
Developer building apps.

Hello, This is a simple and easy to use tool that I have developed to help people who take pictures a lot, to organize them in few minutes. It is a Windows desktop application. If it is useful to many people, I will create same application for Mac users as well. Thank you!

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