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Snippets of everything happening online

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Suffering from infobesity? Everything happening online distilled into one sentence snippets. Hours of scrolling reduced to minutes.
Tags: Side projects, Technology


Short Snip

Combatting infobesity

I've been struggling with infobesity for years. Consuming endless posts on endless apps all drizzled in marketing speak left me irritated and depressed. All I wanted was to GET TO THE POINT. Limiting or cutting off access never worked long term but also had me feeling isolated. I created shortsnip to put myself on a realistic media diet. Lean snippets of what's happening and less scrolling. No algorithms deciding what you see, no following.

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Short Snip
Combatting infobesity


Short Snip

Combatting infobesity

I've been struggling with infobesity for years. Consuming endless posts on endless apps all drizzled in marketing speak left me irritated and depressed. All I wanted was to GET TO THE POINT. Limiting or cutting off access never worked long term but also had me feeling isolated. I created shortsnip to put myself on a realistic media diet. Lean snippets of what's happening and less scrolling. No algorithms deciding what you see, no following.

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