Secret Sharer
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Secret Sharer

Share secrets or passwords easily with a simple link

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Securely share passwords and tokens with Secret Sharer. You decide to whom you want to send the link we provide and when it should be deleted. One-time secret sharing made easy.

Tags: Side projects, Productivity, Web development


🚀 Easy link generation

🚀 Generate secrets on the fly

🚀 Secrets expire automatically 

🚀 Additional password protection

Use cases

Everyone in the IT world knows the situation. At some point, you need to share login credentials or an API token with a colleague or customer.

I know a lot of people who still share sensitive data over email. 

Don't do that 🙅🏻‍♂️

Let's use a password manager like 1Password instead? 

Don't waste your money 🙅🏻‍♂️

To make things as easy as possible, I created Secret Sharer, a Chrome extension to easily share one-time secrets.


Christofer Huber
I love building things 🤓

Hello Makers 👋🏻, Everyone in the IT world knows the situation. At some point, you need to share login credentials or an API token with a colleague or customer. I know a lot of people who still share sensitive data over email. Don't do that 🙅🏻‍♂️ Let's use a password manager like 1Password instead? Don't waste your money 🙅🏻‍♂️ To make things as easy as possible, I created Secret Sharer, a Chrome extension to easily share one-time secrets. 🚀 Easy link generation 🚀 Generate secrets on the fly 🚀 Secrets expire automatically 🚀 Additional password protection And best of all, you can use it for free! - Christofer 🤓

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Christofer Hu...
I love building things 🤓


Christofer Huber
I love building things 🤓

Hello Makers 👋🏻, Everyone in the IT world knows the situation. At some point, you need to share login credentials or an API token with a colleague or customer. I know a lot of people who still share sensitive data over email. Don't do that 🙅🏻‍♂️ Let's use a password manager like 1Password instead? Don't waste your money 🙅🏻‍♂️ To make things as easy as possible, I created Secret Sharer, a Chrome extension to easily share one-time secrets. 🚀 Easy link generation 🚀 Generate secrets on the fly 🚀 Secrets expire automatically 🚀 Additional password protection And best of all, you can use it for free! - Christofer 🤓

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