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Newsletter AI Assistant


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Generate your newsletter with our AI assistant. Save time by easily finding quality content and generating your newsletter issues.

Tags: Marketing, Artificial Intelligence


We're here to help you:

1️⃣ Discover quality content

2️⃣ Curate and save content

3️⃣ Generate newsletter issues

Use cases

Newsletters are a really good way of showing your expertise, but...

🤨 It's time consuming and you do it for the long run.

😫 Doing research is the hardest part, especially if you have several newsletter for different clients targets.

⚠️ You always have to double check to ensure you are sending quality, different, and fresh content even if it means double checking every thing.

📱 You're a content creator

You want to spend less time building your digest newsletter while keeping high quality standards

🏢 You're an agency

Share your knowledge with your clients to show you are an expert in your field

🪜 You're a freelancer

Signing clients can be a long process, keep your leads hot by sending some interesting articles

🤖 You're a tech worker

You need to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and versions of software.


Vedant Kunte
Building MVPs fast!

Have been meaning to launch a newsletter, might just use this

Official Review


Data guy building Researca, th...


Vedant Kunte
Building MVPs fast!

Have been meaning to launch a newsletter, might just use this

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