Pocket Alert
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Pocket Alert

All your critical push notifications in one place.

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Pocket Alert is a service that enables you to customize and send critical push notifications to your devices. With API or webhook integration, you can centralize the reception of truly important alerts, eliminating unnecessary information noise. Create a single hub for your crucial notifications using Pocket Alert.

Tags: Startups, Development, Development Tools


  1. API Integration
  2. Notification Segmentation
  3. Webhook integration
  4. Mobile App (iOS, Android)

Use cases

  1. Notification from IOT devices
  2. Notification from Monitoring Tools (Sentry, Grafana, Zabbix)
  3. Alerts from your software, bugs and such.
  4. Any alerts you can set up via APIs or Webhooks.


Roman Frank
Founder at Pocket Alert

Hey, Faziers! 👋 I'm Roman and this is my first stand alone product. I've been doing commercial development for more than 10 years, I also often have to do server administration. I've been facing the problem that I can miss important notifications due to background noise, messengers and emails. I had used similar products before, but they were constantly lacking some features, and I wanted to take control and implement things that are really important and convenient. 🌟 Features – API Integration – Notification Segmentation – Webhook Integration – Mobile App (iOS, Android) 🚀 Future plans: – Sending images – Teamwork – Advanced message segmentation – SDK for all popular languages – Built-in integrations with popular services 📡 How do I personally use Pocket Alert? As a developer and IoT enthusiast, I manage a diverse array of notifications: – Monitoring alerts: I receive push notifications from services like Sentry and Grafana, keeping me informed about system performance and potential issues. – Development updates: My workflow includes alerts about project build statuses, ensuring I'm always aware of the latest changes and any compilation problems. – IoT communications: My smart devices send push notifications. There are so many uses, I'm sure everyone will find a use for it. 🤘

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Founder at Pocket Alert


Roman Frank
Founder at Pocket Alert

Hey, Faziers! 👋 I'm Roman and this is my first stand alone product. I've been doing commercial development for more than 10 years, I also often have to do server administration. I've been facing the problem that I can miss important notifications due to background noise, messengers and emails. I had used similar products before, but they were constantly lacking some features, and I wanted to take control and implement things that are really important and convenient. 🌟 Features – API Integration – Notification Segmentation – Webhook Integration – Mobile App (iOS, Android) 🚀 Future plans: – Sending images – Teamwork – Advanced message segmentation – SDK for all popular languages – Built-in integrations with popular services 📡 How do I personally use Pocket Alert? As a developer and IoT enthusiast, I manage a diverse array of notifications: – Monitoring alerts: I receive push notifications from services like Sentry and Grafana, keeping me informed about system performance and potential issues. – Development updates: My workflow includes alerts about project build statuses, ensuring I'm always aware of the latest changes and any compilation problems. – IoT communications: My smart devices send push notifications. There are so many uses, I'm sure everyone will find a use for it. 🤘

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