The Global Guru and Microcap Moonshots provide subscribers with In-Depth Financial Analysis and Commentary, Contrarian and Authentic Perspectives, and Weekly Microcap and Small-Cap Stock Recommendations using our Proprietary Stock Ranking Framework.
• The Secret Sauce: Our QVM Formula: Our research-backed Quality, Value, Momentum system is your unfair advantage in the market.
• Invest with Elite Precision: We recommend only the top 2% of stocks—the absolute cream of the crop that signals huge upside potential.
Nicholas Vardy - Editor of The Global Guru, Microcap Moonshots, and The Bubble Blog. Seen on CNN International, Fox Business and CNBC Asia "Nicholas Vardy is a standout in the global advisory world. In my 25 years of monitoring the financial newsletter industry, I have found few advisors whose stock picking talents are as consistently impressive." - Steve Halpern, The Money Show "Mr. Vardy has made a powerful change in my investment life. I have lost count of the number of trades that have returned me higher than 100%. The stocks he recommends generally move in the direction he says they will, and he's on target more often than any other newsletter writer I follow. I want to express my deepest appreciation for Mr. Vardy." Dean Whitlaw, ex-Dean of Harvard School of Education.
RPG for Nicholas Vardy delivers strategic, engaging gameplay tailored for enthusiasts
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Nicholas Vardy - Editor of The Global Guru, Microcap Moonshots, and The Bubble Blog. Seen on CNN International, Fox Business and CNBC Asia "Nicholas Vardy is a standout in the global advisory world. In my 25 years of monitoring the financial newsletter industry, I have found few advisors whose stock picking talents are as consistently impressive." - Steve Halpern, The Money Show "Mr. Vardy has made a powerful change in my investment life. I have lost count of the number of trades that have returned me higher than 100%. The stocks he recommends generally move in the direction he says they will, and he's on target more often than any other newsletter writer I follow. I want to express my deepest appreciation for Mr. Vardy." Dean Whitlaw, ex-Dean of Harvard School of Education.
RPG for Nicholas Vardy delivers strategic, engaging gameplay tailored for enthusiasts
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