Example Image

Turns academic papers into audio


Example Image
Example Image
Example Image
Example Image is your go-to platform for transforming written content into high-quality audio, perfect for busy academics, PhDs, and lifelong learners. Simply upload articles, research papers, or any text, and the platform converts it into a customized listening experience. Choose from various voices and speeds to match your preferences, whether you’re diving into a complex study or catching up on lighter reading. Listen anywhere—during your commute, workout, or downtime—and make every moment productive. Designed to help scholars maximize their time, lets you stay informed and learn without being tied to a screen.

Tags: Startups, Productivity, Education


  • Text-to-Speech Conversion: Converts academic papers, research articles, textbooks, and other text-based content into audio for easy listening.
  • Multi-Language Support: Supports various languages and accents, allowing users to choose the preferred speech format.
  • Customizable Listening Speed: Users can adjust the playback speed, allowing for faster or slower listening, based on comprehension needs.
  • Bookmarking & Note-Taking: Allows users to bookmark important sections or add voice notes while listening to specific parts of the text.
  • Format Support: Accepts a wide range of document formats such as PDFs, Word documents, and web pages.
  • Smart Text Parsing: Optimizes and cleans up complex academic formatting (like footnotes, citations) for better listening clarity.

Use cases

Listening to Academic Papers and Journals

  • Use Case: PhD students and researchers can convert complex academic papers into audio, making it easier to absorb information during commutes, workouts, or breaks.

Improving Accessibility for Students with Visual Impairments or Dyslexia

  • Use Case: The TTS app helps students with visual impairments, dyslexia, or other learning disabilities by making reading-intensive content accessible in audio format.

Editing and Reviewing Drafts of Academic Writing

  • Use Case: Listening to their own drafts read aloud can help PhD students and researchers spot errors, awkward phrasing, and improve flow in their writing, a critical step for high-quality publications.

Multitasking During Routine Tasks or Downtime

  • Use Case: Busy academic professionals and students can listen to assigned readings, research articles, or their own work drafts while commuting, cooking, or exercising, making learning and research more efficient.





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