Impact Trace is a database of company sustainability, environmental and climate impact. It offers a search function to find the data from a company, usually hidden in annual reports and presents it to you in an easy to read table.
If the company searched for isn't in the database yet, our back-end functions will start a search as soon as you submit us a request.
Hi all, I wanted to create Impact Trace after spending hours searching through company reports to find data on environmental impacts. The database runs on an AI and OCR style engine, pulling the information from the web and pdf reports. I'm super keen to get feedback on how users find the interface as well as any data elements that would be helpful to include. Thanks!
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Hi all, I wanted to create Impact Trace after spending hours searching through company reports to find data on environmental impacts. The database runs on an AI and OCR style engine, pulling the information from the web and pdf reports. I'm super keen to get feedback on how users find the interface as well as any data elements that would be helpful to include. Thanks!