Complete System for building and hosting your courses inside Notion. Forget Kajabi and monthly subscriptions - ideate, build, and host all your courses and ebooks inside Notion in one place
Tasks: Manage your tasks related to creating courses and verifying ideas
Ideation: Quickly capture ideas, verify or discard them, and turn ideas into a course
Courses: A single place to see all your courses in one place in a main dashboard
Course builder: Build your course in a course builder. Once ready, quickly release it in 2 clicks
Resources: Store various resources and inspirations related to your courses
The Notion Course Creation system is for online creators who want to launch courses or other educational materials and don't want to use external platforms with monthly subscriptions and limited product numbers. With this system, you can brainstorm, create, and launch all your courses inside Notion from a single dashboard
Excited to launch the course creation system! I hope it will help you launch courses like it helps me!
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Excited to launch the course creation system! I hope it will help you launch courses like it helps me!