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Data Analytics as a Service

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Build your own analytics with a comprehensive suite of tools designed to optimize performance and reduce expenses. Combine essential tools to streamline data analysis and gain insights effortlessly.

Tags: Database, Data, Data visualization


  • Real time analytics: Data is displayed on real time, no data loads required.
  • Mobile friendly: The software is designed to be responsive, and dashboards can be visualized in any mobile browser.
  • Data entry: The applications can enable data entry so users can enter custom data in the database.
  • User access row level security: Every user will see the exact data they're entitled to see, based on defined roles.
  • Light/dark mode: 1 click switch between light/dark modes for any dashboard.

Use cases

  • Small corporates: sales, invoices, budgeting, finance, forecasting, operational costs, margin, pricing, marketing
  • Freelancers: client data, invoices, utilisation, expenses, profit
  • Individuals: expenses, bills, personal finances


Pablo -
Former data engineer, physicist. 🚀Bootstrapping projects in solo

Hi! My name's Pablo and I am an experienced back-end developer. Over the past decade I have been working in more than 100 projects related to data, analytics and visualization. So I thought I might pack all I have learned into a bundle solution: the Amazonics Business Suite. I am glad to present you with the first data analytics platform as a service - so you just have to source the data and I'll take care of everything for you, from designing the dashboards to rolling the solution out. Cheers!

Hongyuan Cao
Working on AI PPT Maker

Just awsome service

Bare Metal Email
The Business Email Alternative, Built for Maximum Email Deliverability, Service and Support. Stay out of the Spam Forever and get to Inbox Primary.


Link mate
Linkmate enhances LinkedIn presence with AI and smart comments

cool app



Former data engineer, physicis...


Pablo -
Former data engineer, physicist. 🚀Bootstrapping projects in solo

Hi! My name's Pablo and I am an experienced back-end developer. Over the past decade I have been working in more than 100 projects related to data, analytics and visualization. So I thought I might pack all I have learned into a bundle solution: the Amazonics Business Suite. I am glad to present you with the first data analytics platform as a service - so you just have to source the data and I'll take care of everything for you, from designing the dashboards to rolling the solution out. Cheers!

Hongyuan Cao
Working on AI PPT Maker

Just awsome service

Bare Metal Email
The Business Email Alternative, Built for Maximum Email Deliverability, Service and Support. Stay out of the Spam Forever and get to Inbox Primary.


Link mate
Linkmate enhances LinkedIn presence with AI and smart comments

cool app

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