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Directory of open source alternatives to popular tools

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AlternativeOSS is a curated directory of open source software alternatives to popular tools. The reason I started it is because my google chrome bookmark bar was getting flooded by cool open source software so I decided to create this list.The page itself is open sourced too.

Tags: Startups, Development Tools, Open Source


Pawel Boguta
Software Engineer, Indiehacking on weekends

Hey! Thanks for checking out the product. I felt overwhelmed with over a hundred bookmarks in my "cool opensource projects" folder. So I decided to create a directory of open source tools which can be an alternative to proprietary software

Cone Io

Useful Product! I will try it

Thomas Bres
👨‍💻 Freelance developer | Websites & Apps builder 🛠️

Excellent initiative for discovering open-source alternatives to popular software! It's a much-needed resource for those looking to break free from proprietary tools while supporting open-source development. Great work!

Wonder Hi

love what you’re building, keep it up!

Tobias from 1Place4Stocks
Maker of 1Place4Stocks

Cool idea. Especially when you are at the beginning of your software journey and have no idea what tools are on the market.

Jurijs Ivolga

Great project! I’ll definitely try it.



Software Engineer, Indiehackin...


Pawel Boguta
Software Engineer, Indiehacking on weekends

Hey! Thanks for checking out the product. I felt overwhelmed with over a hundred bookmarks in my "cool opensource projects" folder. So I decided to create a directory of open source tools which can be an alternative to proprietary software

Cone Io

Useful Product! I will try it

Thomas Bres
👨‍💻 Freelance developer | Websites & Apps builder 🛠️

Excellent initiative for discovering open-source alternatives to popular software! It's a much-needed resource for those looking to break free from proprietary tools while supporting open-source development. Great work!

Wonder Hi

love what you’re building, keep it up!

Tobias from 1Place4Stocks
Maker of 1Place4Stocks

Cool idea. Especially when you are at the beginning of your software journey and have no idea what tools are on the market.

Jurijs Ivolga

Great project! I’ll definitely try it.

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